If you would like to have a baptism in our church you will need permission from Fr. Jose Netto.
Fr. Jose can be contacted at the presbytery 01895 632739 ext 4 or emailed on josenetto@rcdow.org.uk .
If you email Fr. Jose, please copy in ruislip@rcdow.org.uk .
Attendance at a baptism class is mandatory before a baptism can take place.
Dates of 2024 Baptism classes, all at 8pm in the coffee lounge
October 16th
November 20th
December 11th
All 2024 baptisms will be held on Saturdays at 12.30pm
Saturday Dates Available:
December 14th
It is customary to make an offering at the Baptism.
Baptism Certificates
A baptism certificate will be posted out soon after the ceremony takes place. Please keep this baptism certificate in a safe place as you will need it in order to receive other Sacraments and for Catholic school applications.
1. A Godparent must be fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Church. This means they have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
2. They must be at least 16 years old.
3. They cannot be the parents of the child.
Christians belonging to other communities, including Church of England, are permitted to serve as witnesses to the baptism alongside a Catholic godparent, but they cannot be godparents in their own right.
How many Godparents can I have or do I need?
You only need one Godparent. It doesn’t matter if they are male or female. If you choose two Godparents, traditionally a male and female that meet the requirements for Godparents. You cannot have more than 4 Godparents.
What is a Christian Witness?
If you have only one Godparent, you can name a baptized non-Catholic as a Christian Witness.
What is a Proxy?
A proxy is someone that stands in for a Godparent that is unable to be present at the Baptism ceremony.