
If you would like to participate in, or want further information about, any of our groups please contact the Parish Office.

The Children’s Liturgy Group

Our parish places considerable emphasis upon and puts much effort into the Children’s Liturgy. It is celebrated during the 9.45am Mass on each Sunday of the year, except for a number of Sundays during the Summer holiday period.

  • Three different age groups are catered for:
  • The Younger Group (aged 4 to 7 years)
  • The First Holy Communion Group
  • The Older Group (aged 8 to 11 years and Junior children who have made their First Holy Communion)

During the early part of the Mass, the children are instructed in the Upper Rooms and the Sacristy by members of the group of about 30 volunteer catechists. The instruction follows several Children’s Liturgy schemes, including those written by Sister Joan Brown, Katie Thompson and Jean Pate.

The Children are encouraged and trained also to read at Mass; to take up the collection; and to walk in procession with the Offertory Gifts.

In addition to the weekly Liturgy sessions, the children are encouraged to participate in a number of seasonal and fun events, including:

  • the Children’s Christmas Carol Service
  • the Good Friday Children’s Service
  • Pantomime and theatre visits
  • the Children’s Retreat and Fun Day at London Colney
  • the party to celebrate the Parish Feast Day in February
  • Details of all Children’s Liturgy news and events can be found in the Parish Newsletter and on a special noticeboard at the back of the church.
  • Additional volunteer catechists are always welcome for this most rewarding of ministries. Full and continuing training is provided.

The Toddler Group

The Toddler Group meets every Thursday morning at 9.30am in the Lourdes Hall. Around 20 to 30 families attend for an unstructured, informal and relaxed play session on ride-on toys and slides etc, with a quiet corner for stories and jigsaws. There is also a corner reserved for babies; and craft activities take place on a regular basis.

Mums, dads, grandparents and carers are all welcome and seem to enjoy the freedom to chat and make new friends. For some, this Group proves to be a vital step before starting playgroup or nursery. Refreshments are available throughout the session.