NOTE TO VOLUNTEERS: Please ensure you have completed the Parish Registration form and the Volunteer form. For further information, please contact the Parish office via email:
Choir for 6:15pm Saturday Vigil Mass
Background: This group is managed by Sheila and supported by Julie and Leila. We are looking for volunteers to support with Singing for Saturday evening Mass.
Date launched: 2017
Where and When do we meet? The group meets in the last week of each month to practice hymns for the oncoming month. It is imperative to expect that all members attend the practice sessions too, time and place is confirmed by Sheila via email.
How can I join? Contact Sheila at New members are welcome if they are able to commit consistently.
Sports and Cultural Society (S.C.S) Choir 9:00am & 10:30am Sunday Mass
Background: Part of the Sports and Cultural Society (S.C.S) team. This music team is to encourage participation of youth/young adults and anyone else who want to offer their time and talent to Praise and Worship.
Date launched: During the pandemic
Where and When do we meet?: We sing every 1st and 2nd Sunday for 9am and 10:30am Mass (Prior to the Sundays, we meet Fridays after evening Mass for practise) in the Church.
How can I join?: Please contact the Sports and Cultural Team Of SSMM (Vincent)
Choir for 10:30am Sunday Mass
Background: Our group has been leading the 10:30 Mass for many, many years now. May has been co-leading the choir since 2010, and Eliza has been co-leader a few years after. A few years ago, due to family commitments of the leaders, the decision was taken to lead the music for only the first 2 Sundays of the month. You can learn the music for the upcoming masses at the Choir’s blog
Date launched: Could be as early as 2000, but the current choir leaders have been co-leading as early as 2010 (May).
How can I join?: Musical or singing ability is essential. We already have a keyboardist, and a flutist, but could consider including a guitarist to the group, depending on ability. Musicians should be able to work with melody/guitar chords or read sheet music. We use the Laudate Hymnal for most of the hymns/music, but we can also choose music from other sources, if liturgically appropriate. Please email and we will keep you on a waiting list.
Where and When do we meet: We lead the music normally for the last 2 Sundays of the month. We rehearse 30 minutes before mass, but we learn the music the week before via our blog:
Choir for 12:00noon Sunday Mass – Ghanaian Community
Background: This group is led by Christine Appiah-Caesar with approximately 17 members who have a passion for singing. The group was originally made up of members of the Ghanaian Community, however as years went by, other nationalities were recruited into the group.
Date launched: 2007
Where and When do we meet: We sing at the 12 noon Mass every 1st & 2nd Sundays of each month. Hymns selection for the upcoming month are sent via links to choir members on our group WhatsApp platform to practice in their own free time. We have our practice half an hour before Mass starts (time allowing) on the day.
How can I join?: Please contact Christine Appiah-Caesar via email: or Connie Morgan:
New members are welcome.
Youth and Caribbean Music Ministry
Background: Our Youth and Caribbean Music Ministry brings together youth and youthful. We lead worship at the 6pm Sunday mass with vibrant music on the 4th and 5th Sundays of each month and on other solemn occasions around Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. We also support special masses for those preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Our group is dedicated to the Holy Spirit and is focused on worshipping our Lord and God. Our members are music ministers within the church.
Date launched: 2016
Where and When do we meet: We meet twice per month, for rehearsal and for worship at mass. We meet for rehearsal in the Parish Centre on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 1.00 – 4.00pm.
How can I join: Youth, aged 12 – 25 who can play a musical instrument or just love to worship can contact Mary Pierre-Harvey for further information. Safeguarding is very important to our group. Anyone interested in joining would meet the Group Leader to discuss their interests.