Background: In 2012 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI called the church to celebrate “A Year of Faith”. Each Diocese was asked to encourage parishes, schools, institutions, religious communities, families, prayer groups to embrace this wonderful opportunity for the Roman Catholic church to be united in this endeavour. Why? Benedict XVI wanted to give the church and its members the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of what we believe and to offer us new ways to put our living faith in to action. In response to this calling, the parish of St. Michael and St. Martin began looking at different ways to nourish the parishioners so that they would in turn became more enthusiastic with regards to their faith. The Novena to St. Anthony was born from this. A Novena is a nine-day experience of prayer, petition and thanksgiving. The nine days are set to remind us of the nine days that the Apostles spent with Our Blessed Mother Mary from the Ascension (Thursday) to the feast of Pentecost (Sunday). During this time the lives of the Apostles and Mary were being prepared to go out and spread the Good News of God to the world. During the nine days of a Novena God is preparing our hearts to give witness to the event of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus our Saviour. Novenas are very important in the life of the individual and the life of the church and I am delighted that so many have taken up this opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the faith and to be strengthened by God to be better witnesses in the world in which we live. The Year of Faith has taught us that we should never be content with what we are but continue to strive for a deeper knowledge and understanding of our faith. Our Novena to St. Anthony has helped us to achieve this. May we and more of the parishioners continue as we have started.
Date launched: 2012
Where and When do we meet?: St Anthony’s novena every Tuesday at 7pm in the Church. All are welcome. Feast mass is celebrated on 13th June (mass timing TBC). In the Church.
How can I be part of this group?: Please come and meet the St Anthony Team on a Tuesday either before 7pm novenas or after novenas (7:30pm). Vincent Fernandes is the main point of contact.