Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion  

We are invited to share more actively in the liturgical celebration of the Mass, especially where the need arises. One such area is that of “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” who assist our priests in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days and, when necessary, at Nuptial, Requiem and weekday Masses.  

To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you must be a fully initiated Roman Catholic. You should be baptised, have made First Holy Communion and Confirmation (the latter two in the Catholic Church), participate regularly in the life of the parish and be living according to the law of Christ and the Church. This ministry is by invitation from the Parish Priest, but if you are interested in this role then please do make this known to him.  

Holy Communion for the Housebound  

Each week some ministers bring Holy Communion to those who are not able to attend Mass. This can be a challenging but very rewarding experience for ministers in reaching out to the elderly, sick and lonely with the healing presence of the Lord. It lets them know that they are still part of a loving community which wants to include them in the life of the parish. 

There are separate groups of Extraordinary Ministers for each of the three parishes. Participation is on a rota basis. 

Please contact the Parish Office on e-mail for further information. 


Our Lady Help of Christians 

Richard and Angela Dumughn

St John the Evangelist

Harriet Elsdon

St John Fisher, Chorleywood 

Fr Andrew Gallagher