
The Reader assists the priest in proclaiming the Word of God. This is a very important Ministry where good preparation is essential for understanding the text, to give the correct interpretation and thus help the congregation to understand the Word of God.   

We welcome adults of all ages as readers. You should be baptised, have made First Holy Communion and Confirmation (the latter two in the Catholic Church), be regularly participating in the life of, and be in good standing within the parish. Young people are especially welcome to take part in the ministry of Reader once they have been confirmed.  

There are separate groups of readers for each of the three parishes with one reader for each of the weekend Masses and one reader from a separate rota for each of the weekday Masses. At Christmas time and at the Easter Triduum more than one person will read at some of the services, especially on Palm Sunday, Good Friday and at the Easter Vigil. 

Please contact the Parish Office on e-mail for further information. 

Coordinators for weekend Masses: 

Our Lady Help of Christians:        

Dee Barker 

St John the Evangelist:  

Geraldine Page 

St John Fisher:

Anne Lorrimer-Roberts