

The Sacrament of Penance, or Reconciliation, or Confession, can be celebrated every Saturday at St John the Evangelist Church, Mill End between 5-5.45pm, every Sunday at Our Lady Help of Christians, Rickmansworth between 5-5.45pm, or at St John Fisher upon request and by appointment. If it has been a long time since your last confession or you feel that you might need a longer time with the priest than would be practical for the weekly confession period, you are welcome to contact the parish clergy to make an appointment. The parish also provides further opportunities for the Sacrament of Penance during Advent and Lent.

A good confession has two key components. First, a thorough examination of conscience where we spend time before confession recalling our sins and the times when I could have better loved and served God and also my brothers and sisters in the world. There are many different forms of examination of conscience. The following link provides a number of different types for different circumstances:

Second, a confession requires the person making the confession, the penitent, to have a purpose of amendment. This means that they are truly sorry for the sins they have committed and they intend not to sin again. Of course, as fallible human beings who make mistakes, we know that we will sin again. But in the moment of confession, we must have a genuine intention, even if not entirely perfect, to turn away from sin and live the holiness to which God calls us.

With these two components, and regular celebration of the Sacrament of Penance, we are able to reflect on our lives, identify where we can do better and take steps to answer God’s call to repentance, convert our lives and become the human beings that God has created us to be, becoming more and more free from sin and increasing in holiness.