
Music plays a pivotal role in the prayerful celebration of the liturgy. Musicians lead the congregation in the singing of hymns and responses of the liturgy, and also sing choral music from the treasury of sacred music. Styles of music range from sixteenth century Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony to modern classical and folk music written specifically for liturgical celebrations.  

We have a number of music groups across our three parishes who enhance our weekend liturgies in different ways and who also sing at special celebrations such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation Masses. Our organists are often available to play at weddings and funerals.  

We always need voices across the vocal range so if you would like to join one of our choirs please speak to one of our coordinators or contact them via the Parish Office on and they will be delighted to welcome you. 

Our Lady Help of Christians 

Sunday 11am Choir 

Our enthusiastic four-part Choir has sung at the 11.00 Mass for many years. We have a large repertoire, singing traditional and contemporary classical Church music specific for the liturgy for the day.     

Coordinators:    Cormac Purtill and Susana Tierney 

Sunday 6pm Folk Group 

The Folk Group consists of instrumentalists and singers who sing hymns, modern Mass settings and Christian songs. More instrumentalists are needed to join this group and new singers are also very welcome.  


Clare Ross  

St John the Evangelist 

Sunday 10.30 am Choir 

We are a small and enthusiastic group who lead the congregation in hymns and responses for our weekly Sunday Mass. New members are always welcome. 

Coordinators:        Katy Pione and Jo Rodriguez 

St John Fisher 

Sunday 9am Mass 

We are a small, enthusiastic four-part choir who enjoy the challenge of providing music for our liturgical celebrations. 

Coordinators:        Patricia O’Sullivan and Caroline Maguire  

Youth Choir 

Our Youth Choir is for boys and girls aged 8-13 drawn from the three parishes. They sing once a month at the Sunday 10.30am Mass in St John the Evangelist Church, Mill End and once a month at the 6pm Sunday Mass in Our Lady Help of Christians Church in Rickmansworth. 

The choir rehearses during term time on Tuesdays from 4.30-5.45pm in St John the Evangelist Church, Mill End. 

Director:     Jaison Jeyaventhan  


JOIN US – We welcome new members in school years 3-8. For more details contact Jaison on