On Sunday 3rd December we celebrated a transferred Youth Sunday with the 6pm Mass at Our Lady Help of Christian’s Church being focused on the young people of our parish. Young members of our parish welcomed those attending the Mass, brought up the offertory and led us with the readings and prayers of the faithful. Our young people also fulfilled their ministries through our Youth Choir and our team of Altar Servers. The Mass ended with the enrolment of five members of our Altar Servers in the parish being enrolled as members of the Guild of St Stephen (12 young members of our parishes will be enrolled over December). During his homily Fr Andrew pointed to the example of St Francis Xavier in focusing his life on God and encouraging his friends to join him in his mission in evangelising to those who had not heard of God’s love. After Mass there was there a great social event with lots of fun and games, energised with pizza served by our Scouts team. A huge thanks to our young people for their contribution to the liturgy on the evening, and to our Youth Ministry Leadership Team for organising the event.