Braving the English Summer!

On 7th July our joint parishes event ‘Brass on the Grass’ took place in Rickmansworth, although not on the grass as it was flooded by some unseasonable weather!

Instead, our team of volunteers led by the Sea Scouts, created an alternative ‘Band on the Land’ using Marquees and our hall spaces to ensure all who came would be dry. And come they did. Despite the thunderstorm just before the event started around 200 people came to enjoy music from Fr Andrew’s Potters Bar Town Band which included ‘Bring me sunshine!’, and pieces from ‘Hairspray’ and ‘Abba’. They were well fed and watered by the Sea Scouts and Social Committees. And our young people were entertained with activities by our Youth Ministry Team and catechists. There was also another opportunity to discover the different groups that are active throughout the year as they advertised their ministries in the comfort of the Small Hall. Despite the weather, the event was once again a great success and we give thanks to all those who made it happen.

Where the band were meant to be playing!
Under marquees spirits remained high!
The Scout Hut was a place of refuge and a place to enjoy the food provided by the Sea Scouts and our social committees
The chefs relax after spending a day braving the traditional British barbecue weather!