On Sunday 2nd June the St John’s Church 10.30am Mass was a joyful occasion as three of our young people received their First Holy Communion and this was followed by a Corpus Christi Procession around the Church grounds to mark the great Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This was led by a full team of Altar Servers, one of whom took great pride in carrying the St John’s Church banner. After the procession many of the parishioners stayed for picnic lunch and refreshing cup of tea!
This was followed by another Corpus Christi Procession at St John’s Catholic Primary School on Thursday 6th June, which was again led by a team of Altar Servers from across our parishes from Year 6 and Year 5. The children sang ‘Jesus be the Centre’ with great gusto and were very respectful in their prayers in front of Jesus.