Farewell to Fr Matteo

On Sunday 8th September the three parishes united at Our Lady Help of Christians Church for a joint Mass to say farewell to Fr Matteo after two years service in our parishes. The liturgy was spectacular with our Choirs and Altar Servers united in great force and members from across Rickmansworth, Mill End and Chorleywood in attendance. During his homily Fr Matteo spoke movingly about his fear on his arrival to the parishes of what lay ahead but how the Lord had blessed him in so many ways whilst he was with us. The Mass was followed by a reception with a lovely cake that was popular with parishioners of all ages!

We thank Fr Matteo for his time with us and assure him of our prayers as he continues his priestly ministry in St Mary Magdalen’s Church, Willesden Green and The Church of the Transfiguration in Kensal Rise.