Baptism Course


Courses are held according to need but usually about 3 or 4 times per year, for parents and for those anticipating the birth of their child. At the course you will receive an Baptism Application form.  If you have attended a baptism course in the last three years, you may arrange your baby’s baptism without attending a course but you do need to contact us so that we can give you a signed baptism application form.  If it has been longer than three years, we ask you to attend a  refresher course. These are arranged as necessary.  To arrange a baptism, in all cases, you should submit a completed baptism application form, which has been signed by  the Sacramental co-ordinator. 

Baptism Preparation Course

Our next Baptism Preparation Course  is Saturday 18th May 12-2pm and Saturday 25th May 9.30-11.30am (Both dates to be attended)

If you have been on a course within the past three years you do not need to attend. Please email Ciara O’Reilly at if you wish to attend the next course.

The course will take place in the Lower Committee Room behind the hall.

The sessions are where you will be able to ask questions and explore faith. The course consists of a  PowerPoint presentation  and a discussion questions. At the second session you will be given an Baptism application form for you to  complete. When you return your form to the Sacramental co-ordinator you can then contact the Priest you would like to baptise your child and confirm a date with the Priest., Please let the Sacramental co-ordinator know of the date and time so the Baptism certificate can be prepared for the day. You can arran ge a baptism during a Mass or outside of a Mass.

On the day of the celebration the Baptism Certificate will be presented in a Sacramental Passport folder. This will allow you to keep all the certificates, from the  Sacramental milestones celebrated, in one place.

All enquiries about preparation for sacraments should be emailed to the Sacramental co-ordinator Ciara O’Reilly at

To help prepare for the celebration of your child’s Baptism, will require a few things:

1- Select a scripture passage from the Baptism book below (except if the baptism is in a  Mass  the readings will be those of the Mass and the readers will be those scheduled to be at that Mass))

2- Select two readers one to read the selected scripture passage and another to read some prayers of intercessions (Bidding Prayers).

3- On the day you need to bring a white garment (shawl or cloth) to put over your child at the appropriate time – even if your child is dressed in white.

3- If you wish to make a donation to the celebrant, you can do so using a Gift Aid envelope which can be provided. (Suggested donation £100)

You can access the Baptism Book to prepare for the service, choosing the readings (if outside Mass) and practicing bidding prayers, by clicking on the blue link below.

 Baptism book Baptism book