Sacramental Preparation

Preparation for sacraments in our parish

Sacramental Co-ordinator update We do not yet have a date from our HR department when our new co-ordinator Ciara O’Reilly will be starting. However Fr Justin is keen that we continue delivering existing programmes and make plans for the Baptism and Confirmation Courses. This will be discussed with Ciara and dates and applications will be published in the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes on the newsletter and the Sacramental page

The sacramSacramentsents are the heartbeat of the Church; they give life, they sustain life, they keep us lively. Preparation for sacraments is aimed at helping you to appreciate these encounters with God for the extraordinary opportunities that they are; we want to enable you and your children to deepen your faith and experience in these encounters with Christ and his Church.

Baptism courses are held usually three times a year, for parents and those anticipating the birth of their child. The course explores what it means to live in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and we look at the rich symbolism of the rite of Baptism, that speaks to us so eloquently of the Father’s love. We run short refresher courses for parents who have completed the full course more than three years previously, as necessary. For further details click on

In preparing for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, we direct our efforts at offering practical help in nurturing the development of your child’s faith so that you can support your child with confidence and enjoyment both for the first reception of the sacraments and beyond. For further details click on

Our Marriage preparation course is a one day course of thought provoking content.  It approaches the deep issues surrounding such a commitment, in line with the Church’s requirement that we prepare diligently for the sacrament.  The aim is to ensure that couples have had an opportunity to explore important topics in an atmosphere of support. For further details click on

The Confirmation course is offered to young people who are in Y9 or above.  It is a lively course, based on the person of Christ and issues of peace and justice, in which we encourage the candidates to think about the implications of being a committed Christian in the world today. For further details click on

Adult Confirmation

For people who are over the age of 18 and who would like to be confirmed, the RCIA course is the appropriate support.  Please contact Robert Hitchcock to join the RCIA group. The RCIA process is a continuous one, so there is no limit on when you join it.

For people above 13/14 but below 18 years of age, we believe the existing parish formation for the sacrament will usually be appropriate.  Applications can be made in the late summer (late July – early September) to join this course of preparation. Again, please contact Robert Hitchcock . For further details click on

Naturally there is a process of discernment as to what will suit an individual seeking adult confirmation, and we hope always to provide the most appropriate support possible.

The RCIA process runs all year, with breaks for school holidays.  We run a ten week introductory general course starting after Pentecost, after which we base our enquiries on the readings for the coming Sunday.  Anyone may join at any time in the year.  All are welcome, from those enquiring about joining the Church, to candidates for adult Confirmation, to those simply wanting to join with others in thinking about life and faith.

For more details on any of the sacraments please click on the appropriate button on the menu on the left, below the Title page Sacramental preparation.

All enquiries about preparation for sacraments should be addressed to

or Tel: 01462 459126 and press 4.