Adult Baptism and Confirmation (RCIA)


RCIA stands for the ‘Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults’.  It is the way in which adults can access preparation for the sacraments of baptism and confirmation or reception into the Church.   We meet weekly (except in school holidays), currently on a Wednesday evening, to learn about matters of Catholic life and faith through the lectionary – the readings at Mass for each coming Sunday. The process is open to anyone enquiring about Catholic life and faith: non-Catholics and Catholics who have been out of touch and are thinking about returning.

Adult Confirmation

For people who are over the age of 18 and who would like to be confirmed, the RCIA course is the appropriate support.  Please contact the Sacramental Co-ordinator to join the RCIA group. The RCIA process is a continuous one, so there is no limit on when you join it.

For people above 13/14 but below 18 years of age, we believe the existing parish formation for the sacrament will usually be appropriate.  Applications can be made in late November/early December to join this course of preparation. Again, please contact the Sacramental Co-ordinator .

Naturally there is a process of discernment as to what will suit an individual seeking adult confirmation, and we hope always to provide the most appropriate support possible.