Diapalante newsletter May 2020

In these unprecedented times the Diapalante team sincerely hopes that you and your loved ones are keeping healthy and in good spirits. We send love and strength to those battling the virus, those who know someone who is and to those who have lost someone to it.

As you may have heard through the news, charities around the world are suffering due to cancelled fundraisers and therefore drastically reduced income whilst the world is on lockdown. Diapalante is no different. Although our projects in Senegal and Mauritania have been suspended, we must continue to make monthly payments for project facilities. It is critical that we find new ways to raise funds during these unprecedented times to ensure we can afford to successfully run our projects when restrictions are lifted. This is where we need your help!

Luckily for us, Diapalante’s network has been very creative (and brave!) in starting new fundraising initiatives for you to support, the details of which are contained within this newsletter. Please take a moment to read through and spare anything you can (unspent pub money?!) to support them. Alternatively, you can simply set up a monthly donation – any sum will be welcomed!

In this newsletter we also give you an insight of what life in lockdown is like in Senegal and Mauritania, and what we were up to before restrictions were put in place.

We are extremely grateful for your support.

The Diapalante team


To access the newsletter including pictures of Liz and Ian’s new hair look click below
