Made for Greatness
Faith in Jesus Christ breathes new life into our being. Like a gentle breeze, greeted by the morning sun, rooting our lives in Him is refreshing and gives us hope for the future. Life is seen with new eyes, illuminated by the light of God’s eternal love for us.
Through Christ, we see that life is more than merely a succession of events, but rather it is the pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful. He challenges us to break free of our sins and the empty promises of the world, and to achieve greatness.
In this mission to greatness, God calls each of us to take up our responsibilities and support each other in the relentless pursuit of holiness, so that, one day, we may join him and live forever in Paradise.
Our Mission
Helping young people pursue the true, the good and the beautiful found in Christ, because each of us is made for greatness.
Our Vision
A diocese full of young people who are faithful Catholics and active in the Church, working towards becoming the saints and role models of the 21st century.
What we do
In bringing our Vision to life, we employ a strategy that includes the following approaches:
1.Develop parish youth ministry
2.Support our youth leaders
3.Nurture young people in their personal development
4.Partner with the various voices in the Church
5.Inform the world
The Team
The team is based at the Centre for Youth Ministry and has ultimate responsibility for the Westminster Youth Ministry strategy; both in terms of development and delivery.
Contact details
Centre for Youth Ministry, 20 Phoenix Road, London, NW1 1TA
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Flickr | YouTube
Telephone: 0207 529 8633
Please click on the link below to access the full web site and discover the exciting things that happen in our Diocese.
The Pursuit
What does it mean to find happiness in today’s world? Is anything true, good or beautiful? A day for Year 11, 12 and 13 school leavers about life and faith and the search for more. Saturday 23rd June 10am-9pm | £20 Lunch and Dinner inc. | Centre for Youth Ministry, 125 Waxwell Lane, Pinner, HA5 3EP. Registration required: |
“The most beautiful and stirring adventure that can happen to you is the personal meeting with Jesus, who is the only one who gives real meaning to our lives.” JP2. Resonate is the Diocese of Westminster Youth Ministry’s primary event for Young Adults. There is a shared meal, an opportunity build community and a chance to explore our faith. The next Resonate is Friday 29th June | 18-35 years old |7-9pm | Free | Centre for Youth Ministry, 125 Waxwell Lane, Pinner, HA5 3EP.
World Youth Day
World Youth Day is an international event with the Pope, and Catholics from across the world. The next WYD will be in Panama, Central America, in January 2019. The Diocese of Westminster Youth Ministry are organising a pilgrimage for young adults to attend this life changing event. Scholarships for 50% are also available to support young adults wishing to go. More information: or email: