ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL ADMISSIONS 2021-22– If your child was born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017, you can apply for a Primary School place to start in September 2021. The application process opens 2nd November 2020and closes on 15th January 2021. The school will be hosting an Open Day for parents applying for a Reception 2021 school place on Friday 23rd October, as well as remote meetings for prospective parents.
CERTIFICATE OF CATHOLIC PRACTICE-Applicants for St Joseph’s School for RECEPTION places in 2021/22 should download an application for a Certificate of Catholic Practice ( see below).
Once completed it should then be posted through the letter box of No 3 Windhill marked for Fr Peter’s attention with a stamped addressed envelope please.The Certificate will then be posted to you. No personal collection of the certificate is permitted. The School deadline is 15/1/2021
PDF version
Certificate of Catholic Practice enquiry form GDPR compliant
Word version
Certificate of Catholic Practice enquiry form GDPR compliant