• Looks after an area in the Church which may have to be evacuated and checked, identifying any doors which need to be unlocked or secured before Mass• Identifies any areas which could cause problems to those with mobility difficulties and knows how to help• Is aware of the location of Fire blankets, extinguishers and where candles are in use
• Listens and looks out for dangers, signs of fires starting e.g. monitoring votive candle stands or obstructions in aisles or fire exits
• Opens any doors which may trap people if left closed
• Encourages Parishioners to evacuate calmly and quickly
• Gives Parents of Servers and families of the Junior Choir direction to the Assembly point to meet them.
All other Parishioners should leave and move away from the Church. Vehicles and People (either moving or stationary) should not cause an obstruction or a delay to any emergency service vehicles arriving at the Church to deal with the fire or any casualties.
• Checks that any visitors or disabled persons within their area of responsibility have been cared for and assistance given.
• If safe to do so, confirms their area has been fully evacuated and reports to the Priest in charge
If you are interested in becoming a Fire Marshall please speak with Fr Peter, Fr Carlos or the Parish Office and we can arrange training for you..
Our Last Deanery Fire Marshall Training session was on Tuesday 21 January 2020 and 33 people attended