Church Services -TV is now live at St Joseph’s…
Some of you will have noticed a very small, camera at the back of the Church in the balustrading of the choir loft. This is on 24 hours a day and provides “live streaming” for anyone who wishes to visit our Church or watch Mass etc., etc.
This is primarily aimed at those who are housebound or sick and are unable to get to Mass, so that they can join us as we celebrate Mass here in our Church. It is part of an initiative based in Ireland which is now becoming available here in England too. If you have a computer and have the internet, you can watch on:
The housebound are able to watch and hear Mass, or make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament for a moments prayer by means of a little box on top of their TV (if they don’t have a computer), but they will need to have “broadband” on their telephone line. We are very grateful to one of our parishioners whose generosity has made this project possible.
The following masses/services will be recorded and they will be viewed online on: and the parish website within the 30 days following the ceremony. After that time recordings will be destroyed however exceptions may apply and recordings could last longer if the parish required it.
Daily Weekday ( Monday – Friday) Mass at 9.30am
Saturday 5.15 pm – 5.45pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturday 6pm Mass
Sunday 9am, 11am & 6pm Mass
GDPR – Porch notices – YSDC – Bishops Stortford (2)
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One Licence with
Licence A-734146