Teams of Our Lady is for Christian married couples who wish to assist each other to develop their married spirituality and relationship. Equipes Notre-Dame, known in Great Britain as “Teams”, was started in France in the 1940’s and has flourished so much that there are now 11,000 teams across the world with over 120 in Britain.
Teams has a specific and direct mission: to help couples, themselves, to live fully their sacrament of marriage. They do this with the support of a team using the Teams method. The founder, Fr Henri Caffarel, gave this “method” including monthly ‘Team meetings’ and a small number of ‘endeavours’ for couples.
The principle is to follow the commandment which Christ, himself, gave us, namely Love:
“You must Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, with all your Soul and with all your Mind… You must Love your Neighbour as Yourself.” Matthew 22: 36-40
Teams has a missionary objective: Teams couples proclaim to the world, by word and by the witness of their life, the values of Christian marriage.
There are currently two active Teams in Bishop’s Stortford, meeting monthly to share news, a meal and pray together. In addition to the monthly meetings, each team goes on an annual retreat together to get away from day to day life and focus on their faith as a team and as individual couples. This is a great opportunity for any Christian couple to share their journey with other Christian couples and support each other in that journey.
If you would like to know more:
- Visit the Teams GB website
- or contact John Wright (
One of our teams on retreat at Clare Priory: