St Joseph’s Flower Guild was formed in 1975 by Brenda O’Carroll and Mary Watson.
Previous to this Flower displays for the whole of the Church year was done by Brother Malachi and on leaving the Parish he asked the two friends if they would take over the organisation of flowers at Christmas and Easter.
Since then the Guild and flower duties have grown and we arrange flowers for the High Altar weekly. We are fortunately given an allowance.
We work on a rota basis and in pairs and all meet twice a year- including Fr Peter – to discuss our Christmas and Easter flowers.
We also have ladies that regularly arrange the side Altars.
Over the years the Guild has organised two very large Flower Festivals involving other Churches in the town, which also gave us the opportunity to receive many visitors to our beautiful Church.
It will be lovely to have new members and you will be made most welcome.
For further information – Please contact the Parish Office 01279 654063