Thank you from Zimbabwe

A letter of thanks from Sophie and Mike Sullivan to all who supported the ‘ Bricks and Hymn Books’ campaign in Zimbabwe…

Dear Parishioners,
It has been so lovely to be in your midst again, after three years away, to celebrate Holy Mass with you and to catch up on friendships which we still hold very dear!Living in Zimbabwe can be a massive challenge at times. However – at the same time – we continue to live as any family does: with meals, school and betimes to deal with, as all of us do (just with the added fun of power cuts and water cuts!). In all seriousness, it has been a blessed experience in many ways, and living there has helped us learn, as a family, the most important life lessons. Sharing, being grateful for EVERYTHING we have and not wasting things, as well as the most challenging – which is to see God moving in every experience, even the hard times. In the generous outpouring we have experienced from so many of you – willing to give up your money at a pressurised time of year, towards people and causes you hardly know – it is a wonderful reminder that the life lessons we Sullivans have become so accustomed to by living in Zimbabwe, are present here too, even amidst all the tinsel and over-indulgence that can so easily smother the real meaning of this most holy season. So, a heart-felt thank you to each and every one.

We will keep St Joseph’s in our prayers.

God bless
Sophie and Mike Sullivan