Doreen’s Lockdown Survival Guide Routine

Parishioner of the week award! – If there were such an award, there would be several worthy winners, but this week mention has to go to the fabulous ‘Doreen Brown for sending me ‘ Doreen’s lockdown survival guide’ and making me smile, which with Doreen’s permission, I would like to share with you… Doreen, who many of you will know rarely sits still and is on the go all of the time, she helps at the foodbank, is one our weekly collection counters, helps Jill run the Wednesday Group, visits those who are sick, knits for charities and so much more! Lockdown for Doreen, has meant that she has had to be extra organised and creative and this is her daily survival guide lockdown routine ( as well as saying her prayers!)

Doreen’s Daily Lockdown Survival Guide Routine
Each day… to do..
1 Task
1 De-clutter session
1 Reading session
1 Craft session
1 Cooking session using anything left in the fridge and freezer to create a new recipe or odd meal to enjoy!
1 TV programme to watch
1 Cat nap!
1 Treat ( cake, chocolate or wine!)
1 Phone call to a family or friend
1 Laugh and if all is well and done, be in bed for 11pm