Parish Message for Pentecost from Fr Carlos

Parish Message for Pentecost


Dear Parishioners,


As I write this message, I sit by my window, seeing the outdoors, remembering a window in my flat in New York. It overlooked two main crossroads. One can see everything that happens there: passers-by, traffic, vendors, street evangelisers, and even the civil authorities at work.

Of course, Windhill is definitely not New York, but the attitude is the same: we can become spectators and critics of the world.


The lockdown has also made us spectators and critics of everything – from how people are finding novel things in life, the sadness of illness and the loss of life because of the coronavirus, the criticism of the lockdown, and even the creative thinking of some politicians. There is something else, however, that our viewing invites us to do – to pray, to be encouraged, to give witness.


Mary and the apostles were waiting in the Cenacle. There weren’t many windows, but they knew something was going to happen as well – something that was going to change for them and for the world – the Coming of the Holy Spirit. Until then they really did not understand much; subsequently, they went to give witness of the risen Christ.


Perhaps we too look through our windows and wonder what will happen. The reality, however, is that the world looks at us, waiting for a witness of faith – in family life, in charitable acts, in announcing the Gospel, and many other ways – because we are witnesses to the Resurrection.


This Pentecost, let us pray that the Holy Spirit continues to inspire us, both individually and as Church, in order to continue announce the Resurrected Christ even with our limitations during this lockdown, so that people may hold on to faith, hope, and love as we do this day.


Happy Solemnity of Pentecost.


Fr. Carlos

P.S. Apologies for the Photo taken during the Winter.