Recycling in the parish

Click below for an updated sheet of recycling that we take in our recycling area to the left of the porch as you come into the church from the car park.

As January and Winter are now with us  Our Lady’s Church raised a total of £396  from all the recycling products we collect to send to Terracycle, between May 2024 and the end of Oct 2024.  The following amounts should be paid directly to charities’ accounts this January 2025.     

Biscuit&Cakes/Bakery and Wax Wrap: £80   (Parish Hardship Fund)

Pens : £ 151    (Herts. Homeless Help / Sanctuary)

Pringles /KP Crisps & Nuts: £ 105  (Marine Conservation Society)   

Coffee/ Marigold Gloves/ Sistema: £ 60  (Phase)

A BIG Thank You to everyone that support this recycling endeavour, and contributed their packaging to be recycled, to be re-purposed. During 2024 unfortunately saw the closure of a few recycling schemes, so that there are now only seven Terracycle schemes left that we are signed up to recycle their packaging materials.  Please take home the revised information sheet with relevant information to guide all wishing to continue to help us raise funds for the four charities from these recycling projects.   

We have updated what we can still recycle for charity and the updated sheet is below.

From Helping Herts Homeless: Many thanks for your donation form the Terracycle scheme.  I can confirm that your £151.00 was safely transferred before Christmas.This is the time of year when many homeless individuals find it difficult in a number of ways. The trustees at HHH try to address this by supporting those cared for at our own hostel [North Herts Sanctuary] and our partners – other like-minded organisations in the county.  For this winter period HHH has provided donations and grants totalling over £10,000 to help the homeless.  The fantastic support we get from the local community makes all this possible. 

Thanks from the Marine Conservation Society July 2024

Thank you so much for supporting our work and raising £170 for the Marine Conservation Society.

In the last year we have achieved remarkable progress in Marine Conservation and that would not have been possible without supporters like yourself. Below are just a couple of examples of what your donations have helped us to achieve.

  • From Shetland to Guernsey and Bridgend to Belfast, 13,874 volunteers cleaned over 150,000 metres of beach, collecting 17 tonnes of litter– that’s heavier than a double-decker bus!
  • We expanded seagrass protection, protecting meadows in Cornwall and Dorset using advanced mooring systems and voluntary no-anchor zones.
  • Our report influenced the UK Government’s decision to introduce a byelaw into Dogger Bank Marine Protected Area, which has since seen a reduction of 98% in fishing activity.

We hope you enjoy reading just how much we have achieved in our full impact report.

We believe you have a real part to play in the future of our oceans and the work the Marine Conservation Society does, and I would like to thank you once again, from all of us at Marine Conservation Society, for your support.

And if you are interested in taking part in an event or challenge and fundraising for us, take a look at what is on offer here.

Recycling update November 2022

Terracycle recycling funds raised for charity 1st MAY 2022- 30th OCTOBER 2022:  Total = £ 663.52

Biscuit&Cakes/Bakery and Wax Wrap: £ 102.00   (Parish hardship Fund)

Pens /Colgate: £83.00   

(Herts. Homeless Help / Sanctuary)

Pringles /KP Crisps & Nuts: £465.00 

(Marine Conservation Society)   

Coffee pouches/Marigolds/R&B Homecare packaging: £ 13.50    (PHASE) as this value is less than the £20.00 minimum, it is being held back until next time.

A BIG Thank You to everyone that have shared this recycling journey with us, and contribute their packaging to be recycled, to be re-purposed, and kept out of landfill sites or an incineration fate.

Unfortunately due to the closure of the Pet food packaging and the Tassimo/L’Or/Kenco waste schemes last year, the funds raised for PHASE are reduced to a tiny fraction of what was previously achieved, despite taking on various other waste streams, they are not yet well supported.  But we look forward to see the future support from the community for the remaining and new waste streams now on offer.

Recycling update June 2022

Terracycle recycling funds raised for charities 1st Nov 2021- 30th Apr 2022:  Total = £ 2781.00

Biscuit&Cakes/Bread:  £ 51.00   (Parish hardship Fund) 
Tassimo/Kenco/L’Or :  £ 2550.00    (PHASE) – the last few collections and includes a large apologetic compensation from Tassimo, for closing the recycling scheme. 
Pens /Colgate:  £51.00    (Herts. Homeless Help / Sanctuary)
Pringles /Crisps /KP:  £129.00  (Marine Conservation Society)    

A BIG Thank You to everyone that have come on the recycling journey with us, and contribute their “waste” to be recycled, to be re-purposed, and kept out of landfill sites or an incineration fate. 
Despite the changes in what we can collect for recycling, we look forward to see the support from the community for the remaining schemes and the new waste streams now on offer.  

Since we started collecting in Dec 2012 – we have collected and sent for recycling 22 270.214Kg ( ie: over 22 tons) of waste.

We have raised funds for these charities in total so far:

    – Fr. Jean-Marie’s Congo village project (paid to the parish) = £ 811.00 (2014-2015)

    – Helping Herts Homeless: £ 938.37

    – Our Lady’s Hardship Fund: £ 709.95

    – PHASE: £ 10 073.60 

  – Marine Conservation Society: £ 1 389.40 

Plastic Free Hitchin

Plastic Free Hitchin & Letchworth
My name is Anni Sander, I’m speaking on behalf of the Plastic Free Hitchin and Plastic Free
Letchworth initiatives tonight.
As you know Letchworth has achieved the Plastic Free Community status earlier this year.
Hitchin is just starting on this journey. Working with local businesses and community allies, we
support them to ditch the single use plastic and find more sustainable solutions.
In our towns we are blessed with an abundance of festivals and events, both commercial and
community led. We have a monthly street food market in Hitchin, and a beer festival in every
town. There are plenty of restaurants and coffee shops. Most selling their products as
take-away options.
However, take-away meals and drinks can involve a significant amount of single-use plastic that
could end up polluting the environment for hundreds of years. The advice from Surfers Against
Sewage, who manage the Plastic Free Communities project, encourages retailers to switch to
compostable containers and cutlery. Helping move communities away from oil based plastic.

If the retailers switch to cardboard and wooden take-away solutions consumers are left with
items that they can currently recycle in North Hertfordshire. However, other compostable
containers, for example those made from corn starch or sugar starches cannot currently be
recycled here.
This so called VegWare is currently not accepted in any of the brown bins, as they don’t add
any nutrition to the soil and add a significant risk of contamination. This means they end up in
landfill or incineration. Composting these ‘compostable’ products would require a whole new
waste stream to be set up.
Adding to the problem, most plant-based plastics do not break down well in the natural
environment. This means they are actually not that different to PET if they get into the streams,
rivers, and seas, they can still be hazardous to wildlife.
Although compostables are promoted as an alternative to single-use plastic, they are not a
‘miracle’ solution. Reusable options will always be less wasteful and better for the environment
than any solutions based on recycling single-use items.
In an ideal world customers would bring a re-usable container for their food and drinks all the
time, however, we recognise that customers don’t always plan in advance or may need some
financial encouragement to bring their own.

On this basis the Plastic Free Communities in North Hertfordshire have a proposal for NHDC
which consists of three strands of activities, to better allow local residents to avoid single-use
1) NHDC and the Plastic Free Communities produce and deliver a campaign to encourage
all 1establishments that offer take-aways to accept and encourage customers to bring their own
take-away containers. The campaign will need to persuade both take-away managers and their
customers of the benefits to the environment and address potential concerns, in particular
around environmental health requirements and financial cost.
2) NHDC should set up scheme to loan re-usable cups for events held in North Hertfordshire.
The scheme should provide reusable plastic cups, tumblers and wine goblets, as well as a
washing and drying service which could be provided through local catering establishments.
Even a competitive loan fee could cover the cost of the service and eventually make a profit.
The demand is certainly there with events such as the Standalone 10k which alone will use over
3000 cups. But also on a smaller scale with school and community group events which would
need volumes in the 100s.
3) The council should work with the local BID groups to facilitate the introduction of a NHDC
Cup Scheme, like the one introduced in Shrewsbury. Businesses offer their beverages in the
re-usable cups, for which they charge one pound deposit. Customers can the return the cup at
any other participating establishment in North Herts and get their money back. Businesses will
benefit by the saving on disposable cups. Customers benefit through being able to have a
take-away drink without harming the environment or having to bring their own cup.

In summary these proposals provide the building blocks to switch to a way of living where
re-usable take-away containers become the norm. The event loan scheme for cups and deposit
cup scheme can both be economically viable for the council. They also hold the potential to be
extended beyond cups into other take-away containers if – as we are sure they will – prove
popular and successful.

Good news for both big and little kids – we’ve launched The Mattel® PlayBack  Programme, meaning you can recycle your Barbie®, Matchbox™ and MEGA™ toys for free! It’s easy and all you have to do is click below:


How it Works Once you’ve submitted the form to Mattel® via their website (using the link above), you’ll receive an email with the link to your free shipping label. Download the label, then follow these 4 easy steps:
Print the label out.
Place your waste in a sturdy cardboard box that is no bigger than 60 x 60 x 50cm and a maximum weight of 20kg. Attach your label securely to your parcel, and ensure it is easy to read.
Arrange a free pick-up for your parcel via UPS® by either booking online, calling 03457 877 877 or dropping off your parcel at your closest UPS® drop-off point.

We look forward to giving your unwanted or broken toys a new life as recycled products.

Recycling 2022

Thank you so much for raising £379 for the Marine Conservation Society from your recycling with Terracycle.  Your support will help us to protect our seas, shores and wildlife for everyone to enjoy.

 The difference our supporters helped us to make in 2020-2021:

  • We prompted and influenced the GlobalGap feed mill standard by highlighting areas for improvement in our Good Fish Guide rating consultation process. GlobalGap certify 2.5 million metric tonnes of farmed seafood and 70% of current global salmon production.
  • We helped 43 communities take action to look after their seas.
  • Our education team delivered 365 sessions across all age groups.
  • Our 26,647 volunteers donated 43,113 hours of their time
  • MCS staff and volunteers engaged with 4,816 young people online.
  • On the coast our volunteers spent 35,108 hours cleaning beaches, removing a grand total of 284,451 items of litter weighing 6,253kg and leaving 608 stretches of coastline cleaner.
  • Our 189 Seasearch divers spent over 10 weeks underwater, recording 2,248 habitats, 30,065 species and 787 dive sites, within 78 different marine protected areas.

We believe you have a very real part to play in the future of our oceans and the work the Marine Conservation Society does and I would like to thank you once again, from all of us at MCS, for your support. 

Best wishes,


Deborah Hill

Fundraising & Legacy Officer

The Pet food scheme has closed.

The Tassimo pod scheme has closed.

As Boxing Day and New Year celebrations are behind us, and clearing out and tidying-up comes to all homes, here are some suggestions to increase our recycling in the area:
1) Take your real Christmas trees to the Letchworth Garden City Hospice – book your collection before Wed 5th Jan, to have it collected between the 6th and 10th January, go on-line to or phone: 01462 679540 or email – Please ensure your tree is stripped of all decorations.

2) Take all unwanted, out-grown toys that are complete and in good condition to charity shop so they can continue to be useful in the community, or take them to a toys exchange fair/party, consider organising one of them!

3) Recycle your damaged or incomplete Hasboro toys and games by bringing them to the parish and placing them in the “GREY” recycling bin provided, to help raise funds for PHASE. (except electrical and electronic toys and games – as those should be disposed of via the council WEEE waste stream) Please note that this programme accepts all the Hasbro games and toys, such as Hasbro Gaming, NERF, Play-Doh, Littlest PetShop, Monopoly, My Little Pony, Mr Potato Head, Transformers, etc.For the full list, please visit the Hasbro website. NO other brands toys can be recycled in this scheme, we will be penalised. NO toys that use batteries.

4) Any L.O.L. Surprise! products, including packaging and accessories – these can be recycled with Terracycle, please take them to Corner of Campers Avenue and Westbury Place, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3SR – on Saturdays only, and place them in the outside bins provided on the corner.

5) The Mattel® PlayBack Programme, facilitated by TerraCycle, allows you to recycle your Barbie®, Matchbox™ and MEGA™ toys for free. Go to Mattel Playback website and see also for instructions on how to do it from your home.

6) The Foil Balloons Recycling Program – Recycle all foil balloons and banners at participating Card Factory stores, like the Hitchin branch, there is a recycling box on the counter to the left hand side as one goes in the door. They will take all brands of foil Balloons and foil air walkers, all their plastic packaging, and all brands of foil banners and sashes. They do not take ribbons, nor weights, and no other party accessories.

7) The Gillette Recycling Envelope Scheme – Recycle any brand of razors and razor blades via post directly from your home! See instructions how:


With TerraCycle® we are helping to “Eliminate the Idea of Waste”!

Our recycling area has moved outside and is now available 24/7 for your convenience.

News on funds raised

Terracycle recycling funds raised for charity 1st MAY 2020- 30th OCTOBER 2021:  Total = £ 1951.60Biscuit&Cakes/Bread/ R&B Homecare: £ 115.10   (Parish hardship Fund) Tassimo/Kenco/L’Or : £ 1335.00    (PHASE)Pens /Colgate: £122.50    (Herts. Homeless Help / Sanctuary)Pringles /Crisps /Pet food: £379.00  (Marine Conservation Society)

A BIG Thank You to everyone that have come on the recycling journey with us, and contribute to their “waste” to be recycled, to be re-purposed, and kept out of landfill sites or an incineration fate.     Unfortunately due to the closure of the Pet food packaging scheme earlier in November and the eminent closing of the Tassimo/L’Or/Kenco waste stream, the funds raised over the next 6 months will be significantly impacted.  But we look forward to see the support from the community for the remaining and new waste streams now on offer.

News Alert 22nd October 
Hasbro Toys and Games Recycling Programme Start saving them up, we will start collecting these from 1st Dec 2021!
Please note that this programme accepts all the Hasbro games and toys, such as Hasbro Gaming, NERF, Play-Doh, Littlest PetShop, Monopoly, My Little Pony, Mr Potato Head, Transformers, etc. For the full list, click here Hasbro toys. Remember this is a Cardboard and Plastic only recycling scheme.

What is NOT accepted:
• Hasbro electronic toys and games
• Toys and games from other brands
• Batteries and battery operated toys and games

News Alert 13th October

We have  a new Bakery Packaging scheme sponsored by Warburtons. Any brand  of plastic and wax  bakery goods packaging is now accepted with the bread bags.

We have been accepted to collect for recycling, Marigold products: collecting Marigold disposable gloves, Marigold durable gloves, and Marigold plastic packaging.   These can be added to the blue wheelie bin together with the Oral care and R&B home hygiene products. 

We have also been accepted to collect for recycling all GOOD shampoo refill plastic pouch packaging for the brands Head&Shoulders, Pantene, Aussie, and Herbal Essences only.   These can be added to the blue wheelie bin together with the Oral care and R&B home hygiene products. No rigid shampoo bottles please.

The Pet food scheme has closed.

The Tassimo pod scheme has closed.

Since its launch in 2009, The Tassimo® & L’OR® Recycling Programme has had an incredibly positive impact. This first-of-its-kind programme helped raise over £600,000 for charity and recycle more than 60 million pieces of Tassimo® waste and L’OR® capsules.

Our brand partner, JDE Coffee, has recently launched a new cross-industry recycling programme – Podback. This means JDE Coffee will no longer offer Tassimo® T DISCS & L’OR® aluminium capsule recycling with us but with Podback, a solution where both waste streams can be recycled. So we are sorry to inform you that the TerraCycle recycling programme will be closing on 24th December 2021.

Consequently, we are kindly asking you, to drop off your final Tassimo® T DISCs, outer packaging, L’OR® capsules, Kenco Eco Refill packs, and coffee jar lids by the 10th December 2021.

News Alert 1st October

Ecobricks have finished at the end of September – message from Walsworth Road Baptist church.

They will accept ‘fully compliant’ ecobricks for the next two weeks – in case you still have one being filled at home – until we can arrange a final delivery to the farm where we have taken some 3000 bottles so far! Please understand however that this ending is not a sign of fatigue or frustration, but rather a recognition – as was hoped when we started out four years ago – that the science of recycling plastic would improve to a point where much more of our plastic waste could be sent for recycling. This must be a better alternative to the virtual landfill that ecobricks actually are! And indeed that hope has been fulfilled and that day has now come. Hopefully you will have seen that most of the supermarkets now have the facility at their store for collecting all soft and flexible plastics to enable these to be recycled. Sainsburys in Hitchin is the closest such point to our church, but there are now many other supermarkets offering this service. We are grateful to you all and for the support of the local community, and expect to deliver one more full trailer-load of ecobricks to the farm in the middle of October. There is a real appreciation at the point of delivery for our contribution to their construction project.

News Alert 25th September

Terracycle news alert:    Pet food pouches are made up of a complex mix of materials which are costly to separate and recycle. This is why you can’t put them in your normal local council recycling bin. Terracycle solve this issue by partnering with brands like Mars Petcare, who have covered the costs of collecting, sorting and processing the waste.

Unfortunately, Mars Petcare will no longer be sponsoring The Pet Food Recycling Programme and as such, their programme will be closing on Wednesday 1st December. However, Mars Petcare remains committed to the development of flexible plastic recycling infrastructure in the UK and for more information about other ways they recycle pet food pouches, please see:

For more information on the initiative, please visit

And to find out where your local collection point is, please visit

Our last collection date for Pet food pouches will be Sunday 14th November, after that we will no longer be able to handle them.

From Michael and I – Thank you to all that have supported us over the last few years and helped us raise funds for the Marine Conservation Society.

Now for the Good news!

We have been approved to become recycling site for the new recycling waste stream sponsored by WARBURTONS!  The Warburtons Bakery Recycling Programme and the Warburtons Wax Wrap Recycling Programme.  Please use the same red bin that is currently used for general bread loaf bags.  We can start collecting:

Any brand of plastic bread bags and closure tags. 

Any brand of bakery plastic packaging (e.g.: trays, zipper bags, packs)

Warburtons ONLY branded Wax Wrap packaging 

(Waste NOT accepted:  Bread paper bags, combined paper and film window bags, any other brand Wax Wrap) 

The funds raised from these products will be for the Parish’s Hardship Care Fund  / Foodbank

For detail of what items are being collected please click here All Parish Recycling with Terracycle-v17

Results of Recycling efforts

TerraCycle® UK COVID-19 Update

As you are already aware, the government is regularly reviewing and implementing further COVID-19 restrictions across the UK.

As such, we kindly ask you to please refer to the respective UK region’s official guidance regarding COVID-19 for further information relevant to you, as the situation continues to develop. Please do not hesitate to view our guidelines by clicking here.

        In particular the Information for visitors to public drop-off location at Our Lady’s:  It is possible for you to keep collecting waste at home but we kindly ask you to follow the government’s rules according to which tier your local area is in when it comes to dropping off your waste at a public drop-off location for recycling. This could mean that you must only drop off your waste while you are carrying out an essential task, such as visiting the grocery store, travelling to work, travelling to school or getting some exercise.

Please be assured the majority of active public drop-off locations are taking safety precautions to protect themselves and their community. When dropping off your waste, we kindly ask you to follow the government guidelines regarding social distancing.

Coffee capsules in crate outside church on car park side open all the time

Please place these items directly in the crate outside of the porch. Do not contaminate the recycling with cardboard materials even if it says Tassimo on it or not, and also no carrier bags at all, as they are made of a very different plastic, and spoils the recycling process.

Raising funds for PHASE — providing support and counselling to school children in Hitchin

We are collecting: Tassimo T-DISCS and Bags, L’Or capsules, Kenco lids and refill packaging.

(No other makes will be accepted.)

Recycling is just one part of our effort to LiveSimply.

It’s about time people were rewarded for recycling properly

There are some thought-provoking TED talks about plastics and recycling – click here to watch and listen.

Do you want to take part in a consultation that could change how we recycle and reuse some of our everyday items: see the Live Simply page for details of the Deposit Return Scheme consultation.


How to recycle contact lenses

TerraCycle® has partnered with ACUVUE® to make contact lenses, blister packaging and outer foils recyclable nationwide.  This will be very good news for all users of contact lenses who can now have their waste recycled as well – Just drop your waste off at participating public drop-off location, there are over 600 Boots Opticians and a network of Independent Optician practices throughout the UK.  To find your nearest public drop-off location, search Terracycle’s interactive map site. They will accept for recycling:

  • Any brand of soft, disposable contact lenses (daily, 2-weekly and monthly),
  • any brand of contact lens blister packaging,
  • any brand of foil from the contact lens blister packaging.

However waste that is NOT accepted:

  • Outer card box packaging (these can be recycled with your standard household recycling)
  • Rigid gas permeable contact lenses or any other form of hard contact lenses
  • Contact lenses solution bottles
  • Eye drop bottles
  • Contact lenses storage cases.

Alternatively you can create an account or log in to the TerraCycle® website and join The ACUVUE® Contact Lens Recycle Programme page as a private collector to send us your waste and earn TerraCycle® points.

How to recycle used inhalers

News about a scheme to recycle inhalers that many sufferers would often put in their general waste bins.

For all asthma sufferers, they can now take their spent inhalers to be recycled, in a new scheme sponsored by GSK:

To find out where is the nearest hospital, pharmacy (chemist) or doctor’s surgery that are taking part in this scheme, you can use the following webpage:

In Hitchin there are 3 sites: both Boots chemists and then one in Hermitage Road.

For more details of how it all works please visit GSK’s website:

GSK also provides a full list of which products can and cannot be recycled as part of this scheme:

Recycling success in 2017

Recycling achievement report for Our Lady Immaculate and St. Andrew Parish

May 2018

The following amounts have been collected and payments will be made shortly to the various good causes.

North Herts Sanctuary – £100.00 from writing instruments and equivalent to 10650 items collected.
Our Lady’s church hardship Fund – £104.00 from biscuit wrappers and equivalent to 5000 items collected.
Phase – £865.00 from Tassimo, L’Or, Kenco packaging items and equivalent to 78000 items collected.

November 2016

In this season of Advent I bring glad tidings from the recycling projects in our parish!   As part of our efforts to gain the LiveSimply Parish Award a number of collections of various waste items are on-going in the parish, working together with the Terracycle company and others, to raise funds for the parish and other charities.  From myself and the LiveSimply team a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that in the last 12 months (1st Nov15 to 31st Oct16) has contributed items for recycling.  In total we have raised £531.00.

Here is a report back, from items collected:

The Writing Instruments appeal – funded by “Bic” we have collected just over 40kg, which raised £80.00 for the North Herts Sanctuary across the road.  This is equivalent to over 4000 items sent for recycling instead of going to a landfill site in the UK!!!  In total since 2013 this raised £305.98.   Currently there are two Primary schools collecting for us, they are Our Lady’s and White Hill, but I would love it if all schools in Hitchin would come on board as well.  Is there anyone able to help this to happen?

The Coffee Packaging appeal – funded by “Kenco” we have only collected 23kg, which only raised £25.00 for PHASE.  This is a collection facility that is poorly supported in our parish, with some 800 families, we get few of these items for recycling, so I appeal to all parishioners that drink coffee in your homes and at work – please help us double the collection rate over the coming year.   In total since 2014 this raised £80.34.

The Tassimo appeal – funded by “Tassimo” we have collected some 551.5kg (over ½ ton) of all types of Tassimo discs and bags, they raised £326.00 for PHASE.   This is a collection facility that is very well supported by our parish and further afield, so if you already use this make, don’t throw the waste away, bring them to church instead – by the way, there is no need to empty the residues out of each disc, just let them dry out.   Please be aware that Tassimo will only fund waste recycling for their own products and not any other brand.  For those using other brands, please use alternative schemes elsewhere for recycling.  In total since 2014 this raised £1082.00.

So Phase, the local charity set-up by Churches Together in Hitchin to provide faith and counselling support in Hitchin secondary schools, is to receive this year directly the combined amount £351.00

The Biscuit Wrapper appeal – funded by McVities, we have collected almost 11kg, equivalent to about 4500 wrappers, which raised £100.00 for our parish’s hardship fund.  And even better news: from now until the end of January 2017 we can take part in their Biscuit Wrapper round-up competition, and if we become one of the top 20 sites in the UK, we could be awarded a share of £500 prize funds on offer, so if anyone is tempted enough to eat sweet biscuits, make sure that the wrappers are brought to be recycled!  Please note that the wrapper must say that is from a sweet biscuit type product or it will not be accepted by McVities.   All savoury product wrappers are excluded.  In total since 2013 this raised £274.00.

The Mobile Phones recycling – over a year ago Terracycle stopped accepting these, but we recently teamed-up with another company “Phone Recyclers” and have sent them 35 collected mobile phones and raised £100 for the parish funds.  With Phone Recyclers we will be able to continue to provide this facility and raise funds for the parish from recycling mobile phones.

However, we have to stop the collection of Laptops/tablet computers since Terracycle have also discontinued that service and we have not yet found a suitable alternative service.

We have also collected several bag loads of coloured milk bottle tops or plastic lids – that have been taken to either of the nearest Lush Cosmetics shop in Luton or St. Albans to be re-used in their products packaging manufacturing site.  The type of coloured plastic that they use in their factory is only of type HDPE or High Density Polyethylene or type-2, shown asor  – please remember that if the lids do not specifically show a recycling sign with a number 2 in it, then it will not be suitable to them, as it could contaminate the whole batch and make it useless.

These lids can also be recycled through the NHDC grey bin scheme, which is hand sorted in St. Albans, and most often is sent out of the country to be re-processed, on the other hand, our option allows for this type-2 of plastic to be re-used as a raw material for packaging in Poole, with environmental benefits all round!

If you haven’t a copy already, take a list of recycling projects in the parish, and use it as a guide.  Please come and see me with any related questions you may have, and thank you for your support!  We should all be very proud of all that has been achieved in the last 3.5 years of recycling.  Full totals can be seen on the LiveSimply notices.

My appeal today is for greater support if possible from everyone in the parish.

All that was waste – that did not end-up in a landfill site somewhere on Earth.   Once again, it’s not money I am after – it’s some of your rubbish!

Thank you very much!

May God’s Earth be blessed with all our efforts !

Deolinda Eltringham

For a copy to download click here. appeal-for-parish-support-04-12-2016-newsletter